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Open Space Commission Minutes 01/20/2012

Friday, January 20th, 2012.

  • Call to order/welcome:
Chairperson Diana Atwood Johnson, called to order the meeting at 8.30am, welcomed all, and announced new alternate member Kurt Zemba.
Members Attending: Diana Atwood Johnson, Ted Kiritisis, Peter Cable, Bruce Baratz, Amanda Blair, Evan Griswold, Bill Dunbar and Kurt Zemba.

Absent: Marianne Gotfredson and George James.

Guests: None.

  • No voting alternates needed
  • Election of Officers:
Diana Atwood Johnson, Chairperson welcomed nominations for Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Secretary.

Evan Griswold made a motion for Diana Atwood Johnson to continue as Chair person, Peter Cable to continue as Vice Chairperson, and for Evan Griswold as Secretary,  seconded by Bill Dunbar, unanimous vote.
  •  New business:
Chairperson informed the committee of the work the town hall staff are currently doing to improve the town web site. Diana has been assisting them by updating the OSC’s information and relevant web site links from the OSC’s web pages. Diana aims to emphasize Open Space properties in the area, the history of them and land acquisition. She gave a hand out to the group displaying her current progress and encouraged feedback and suggestions from members of the OSC.  Members reviewed the hand outs, no feedback was given.

Members discussed supporting a possible fly over of the town for GIS mapping purposes.  Kurt Zemba advised this would allow the town to see the erosion along the coast.  Chairperson stated it could be beneficial to see the OSC’s local trails, properties and boundaries in detail.  The OSC Members intend to email the town clerk with their suggestions and support for this project.

The committee discussed the rules and regulations of using the town’s trails and protected land. The OSC is concerned about the safety issue of using ATV’s on the land and strongly advise against this due to personal safety, damage to the trails and the violation of open space rules. New signage and postings to home owners were suggested.  The OSC intend to make the rules of ATV usage open space clear to the public.

Chairperson and Amanda Blair discussed different opinions about off leash dog walking through the OSC’s trails and open land. Evan Griswold suggested having a designated area for off leash dog walking.  Kurt Zemba feels the public should be made aware of the reasons some members of the OSC feel on leash is appropriate when on protected land.  Members agreed that signage at the entrances to trails is key to advise the public of rules and regulations of trail usage.

Chairperson informed the commission of two trees that could possibly fall near the Meetinghouse Road entrance to Champlain South.  Diana and George would like to meet with the First Selectman and the Town Crew Chief to see if tree removal and once a year mowing and other maintenance can be done by the town.

Chairperson read a letter from former First Selectman Griswold about the permit fee for the Kus Stump Disposal site Tim feels the Town is not responsible for said fee, and the Kus’s, who are owners of the property, are the correct contact for the State. Chairperson will make contact with the Kus family for an update on the OSC’s negotiations to purchase their property.

Chairperson shared the details of a phone call she received recently from Mr Edward Pinn. Dr. Pinn reported that the former bus barn site on Jadon Road was on the market and asked if the OSC were interested in purchasing it.  The OSC do not see this as beneficial, as it is expensive, no longer retains its natural features and is not adjacent to any existing town lands.

  • Old Business.
Chairperson briefed commission on various conservation easement issues.  A chart highlighting the properties with outstanding easement issues was displayed by the Chairperson.  Amanda Blair expressed concern for issues still in limbo. The amount has been improved but is not completely satisfactory to the OSC.  Chairperson will meet with follow up with the appropriate parties.

Trail Book:Peter Cable updated members with his progress in producing a trail book.  He has been working with new data from the Bartholomew property and from his own GPS.  The intention is to use GPS data to produce trail maps.  Peter is not happy with the accuracy he his getting with the GPS he has been using, and feels assistance from a person more technically experienced would help, as progress is slow. Chairperson and Peter Cable have agreed to collect data together, check results and make comparisons.

Marianne Gotfredson was not present to update members on current stewardship issues.

  • Reports of officers and/or committees
George James was not present to report to OSC.

7.  Correspondence and communications: None

8.  Review of the minutes of 12.09.11

A motion to accept the amended minutes was made by Peter Cable, seconded by Ted Kritisis.

  •   Adjournment:
Motion to adjourn meeting was made by Diana Johnson, seconded by Bill Dunbar, approved by all. Meeting adjourned at 09.58 am.

Respectfully submitted

Stacey Pamplin
